Rules to wearing a custom made suit-4

Tailors in Chiangmai 8. Your Socks Should Always Cover Your Legs Hairy legs can be a great look for some occasions, but it is not something that should be on display when you sit down in you suit . Always make sure your socks are long enough to cover your legs when you are seated. Whether you opt for colour matched socks or you like to go wild with your Star Wars collection, just make sure that they are long enough! 9. Your Tie Should End At Or Just Before Your Belt Here is where you need to perfect you knot tying skills, and can be a case of trial and error. There should be no buttons visible below your tie and the tie should not pass the level of your belt! Good luck practising this one!! 10. Waistcoats Should Also Finish At Your Belt A 3 piece suit can be what sets you aside in a room full of suits , so lets make sure that waistcoat is just right! It should finish at belt level to prevent you looking like you are wearing a big brother hand me down! This ...