Italian Textile Excellence

Vitale Barberis Canonico: 350 Years of Italian Textile Excellence The heart of Italian wool production, Biella, is home to the fabric mill Vitale Barberis Canonico. VBC is one of the most well-liked options at New Moda Custom Tailors, and it should come as no surprise given its proven history of over three centuries and reputation for quality, comfort, and character. New Moda Custom Tailors History The Barberis family's first recorded transaction was a sale to the Duke of Savoy in 1663. The duke placed an order for some grey wool, which is still among the company's best-sellers today. Since that time, the Barberis family has continued to operate. After negotiating a contract to supply the military at the end of the following century, the business expanded dramatically. Starting in 1770, the mill began producing more materials for the royal army. While the industrial revolution and the development of electricity erupted, the Barberis family did not hesitate to embrace progre...