Vitale Barberis Canonico:
350 Years of Italian Textile Excellence
The heart of Italian wool production, Biella, is home to the fabric mill Vitale Barberis Canonico. VBC is one of the most well-liked options at New Moda Custom Tailors, and it should come as no surprise given its proven history of over three centuries and reputation for quality, comfort, and character.
The Barberis family's first recorded transaction was a sale to the Duke of Savoy in 1663. The duke placed an order for some grey wool, which is still among the company's best-sellers today. Since that time, the Barberis family has continued to operate.
After negotiating a contract to supply the military at the end of the following century, the business expanded dramatically. Starting in 1770, the mill began producing more materials for the royal army.
While the industrial revolution and the development of electricity erupted, the Barberis family did not hesitate to embrace progress. Additionally, as the First World War raged, the mill was once more given significant contracts for military supplies, a testament to the strength of their fabrics. By 1929, the Vitale Barberis Canonico Empire had expanded exponentially and was trading textiles to China, the East Indies, and the Americas while the majority of the globe was experiencing The Great Depression.
Following World War II, the business focused its efforts on innovation, quality assurance, and customer service. It claimed a key position in the development of contemporary menswear and quickly became a favorite among bespoke tailors from Naples to Savile Row. The Barberis family's brand, which stands for innovation, elegance, and tradition, was permanently established in 1971 thanks to the company's enormous success. A new generation of Barberis is currently in charge, a generation that is projected into the future but looks to its past for guidance.
The Product

The attention to detail and dedication to quality are what distinguish the Vitale Barberis Canonico textiles. Due to the company's vertical integration, the mill can oversee every stage of the manufacturing of wool, from the sheep to the shelf.
The process begins with the selection of the finest wools available, including Saxon Merinos from Australia. The wool used is of the highest quality; it is particularly difficult to clean and comb, but it has softer and fluffier qualities than typical. The wool is then transported to Italy, where the family Barberis meticulously monitors each stage of production as it moves along. When the raw wool reaches Italy, it is combed, spun, and distorted to create yarn. The yarn is next woven, colored, and
The Company Today
The Biellese mill recently celebrated VBC's 350th anniversary, a noteworthy accomplishment that also happened to fall on the same day as two other notable occurrences: the company's historical records were made accessible to the public, and VBC joined the esteemed Les Hénokiens association.
Only family-run businesses with a history of 200 years or more are eligible to join Les Hénokens, a group that was created in Paris in 1981 and keeps a record of the intriguing crafts' history. Only 43 other businesses worldwide can claim a heritage as rich as that of the Barberis family, but few few can boast a treasure as priceless as the VBC archives.
The archives, which contain more than 2000 volumes describing vintage fabrics from all over Europe, are a real tribute to the mill's long-standing commitment to
Drawing on these values, Vitale Barberis Canonico makes fabrics that are renowned for their outstanding quality and designs. VBC is the single most popular mill here at New Moda Custom Tailors, and for good reason. We stock a huge range of their fabrics in store, from classic to fashionable, and we have access to thousands more on customers’ requests. Our attention to detail, sense of design and precise tailoring skills, combined with VBC’s fabric expertise, all certified by the over 350 years of tradition boasted by this immortal Italian mill, makes for truly outstanding suits, which will keep you looking dapper for years to come.
Please click here to see some of our current range of Vitale Barberis Canonico or shop online now.
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