Brand New Patch Pocket Shape


Although we always favor a timeless style its important to not stand still. Whilst we aim for a look and a style that transcends time we also consistently look for improvements. Its in our nature.

With this in mind we felt it was time to give our patch pockets a bit of a reworking. The previous shape was very much an older English style with a pretty square pocket with rounded edges.

This has been updated to a more rounded shape, curving in towards the mouth of the pocket. The rear of the pocket is also raised giving a slight tilt towards the front. Overall is a more modern shape and with its roots in the Neapolitan style.

Whilst this may only be a slight tweak it does make a huge improvement to the overall feel of the jacket. Pair this pocket with a softer Neapolitan style shoulder and shaped foreparts and you are well on your way to a timeless yet current look.

New Moda Custom Tailors

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