Part 2 - Do you want to make the right impression?


When you put on a suit you think, feel and behave differently. If that suit has been tailored to your body shape then it feels like an extension of you and the status you hold. And it’s not just you who notices it. Others will react differently to you as well.

The clothes you wear undoubtedly exert an influence on the people around you but you have to be comfortable in your own skin to carry it off. If you’re the type of person who feels awkward and uncomfortable in a suit then you probably won’t be able to carry it off because others will see that you feel awkward as well. However, if you’re the type of person who is relatively comfortable getting suited up, then the better the suit is, the more you will raise your game.

So, in summary, if you want to feel the part, then you need to look the part. People still associate power and importance in the workplace as somebody in a suit, shirt and tie. Yes, I know there are notable exceptions like Mark Zuckerberg and Richard Branson who don’t get suited up, but on the whole, if you look at the attire of business people who occupy the top boardrooms across the world, they will be dressed in designer suits and looking every inch an industry leader.


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